Sale of ready business in Germany: current offers in the field of small business
Now let’s see what the German market for selling a shelf business can offer us. You can immediately note that quite a lot of offers are in the range of over one million euros and thus are outside our field of interest. We are primarily attracted to small business properties where you can invest by selling real estate or business in Europe.
Using the services of one of the sites for selling businesses in Germany, we compiled a short overview of current offers. Compiling it was a real pleasure since, in each object, one can feel the German flavor and the owner’s pride in his brainchild. Moreover, knowing the attitude of the Germans towards work, one can already assume how well-developed these proposals will be.
75,000 euros will allow you to buy a shelf business in Germany importing Mexican silver jewelry. The investor is offered the opportunity to become a partner of an international company engaged in importing jewelry. The number of licenses per country is limited. Therefore, timely investment will help you build your business in Germany in the field of import and sale of jewelry.
105,000 euros, that’s how much a grill bar costs in the center of Paderborn, located in North Rhine-Westphalia. The city has a university with approximately two tens of thousands of students, five thousand British military personnel with their families, and large companies such as Benteler and Nixdorf. Many of these students, workers, and employees are the bar’s regular customers.
Thus, we see that, with an investment of up to 100,000 euros, it is quite possible to buy an existing German shelf company. The most important thing is that commensurate investments can be obtained from the sale of a business in our country. That is, buying a legal German shelf company abroad is actually not out of reach for investors. Moreover, the conditions for business immigration to Germany are becoming easier every year.