Germany capital

There is Germany, and there is the capital Berlin. This is what travelers who have visited this city say at least once. It differs from the rest of the country’s:

  • mood,
  • people,
  • history,
  • and atmosphere.

Capital Germany Berlin is a park city and a museum city at the same time. It is also a city of youth, artists, and extraordinary personalities. All this is about Berlin, the capital of Germany. According to legend, primary it was named after a den discovered at the site. Now, there are bears at every turn. The symbol of the seat of government is exploited by all and sundry. They are placed at the entrances to shops, restaurants, banks, and streets. So Berlin is also a city of bears. As a rule, tours to Germany are incomplete without visiting the capital.

Few people know that Germany capital Berlin is the most significant capital of Western Europe and, simultaneously, the youngest, like the Federal Republic itself. In the capital, all the major government buildings of the Federal Republic of amp Germany are located, including the famous Reichstag. Today, as before, the country’s parliament seat.

Germany capital


It is very difficult to list all main city’s attractions. The Brandenburg Gate and the Reichstag are considered its calling cards. A section of the infamous Berlin Wall remains nearby. The remains of this Cold War symbol are sold as souvenirs. The wall’s length was about 155 km (43.1 km were directly in the city), and its height reached 4.1 m.

As you know, the German capital city was practically wiped off the face of the earth during the Second World War. Therefore, ancient architectural monuments almost did not survive, with a few exceptions, including the Wilhelm Kaiser Memorial Church, built in the 19th century. Certain features of medieval buildings have been preserved by squares, wide streets, and ceremonial ensembles rebuilt after the war.

Berlin, Germany capital is a city of museums. Primary treasures of world culture are stored in 170 museums in the city. Among them is the world-famous museum complex – Museum Island on the Spree River. Of course, not all museums are worth visiting during your holiday to the city center in Berlin, but at least a few are worth visiting.

Berlin is also the greenest capital of Europe. Forests, parks, squares, and more than 2.5 thousand green areas for walking and recreation decorate it. No European city has as many bodies of water as Berlin, which occupies almost 7% of the city center’s territory.

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6 things to do in Berlin

The main things to do:

1Break yourself and still climb the Reichstag dome, no matter how poppy it may be, to see democracy “in the flesh” with your own eyes.
2Put aside all shame and join a nudist rookery in one of the secluded corners of the Tiergarten in the summer.
3See the bust of the equally famous Egyptian queen Nefertiti in the Pergamon Museum.
4I wouldn’t hesitate to eat the most delicious shawarma in my life. The German Turks know a lot about this.
5Find the longest surviving piece of the Berlin Wall, where graffiti with the legendary kiss of Brezhnev and Honecker still adorns today. Take a selfie in front of them, of course!
6Escape for the whole day from the bustling and cosmopolitan Berlin to Charlottenburg to wander its alleys and echoing halls, enjoying the pompous complex of Sophia-Charlotte, wife of Elector Frederick I, restored from scratch.



The capital of Germany is Berlin. It is the largest city in the country and serves as the primary political, cultural, and historical center. Berlin is renowned for its vibrant atmosphere, diverse population, and rich history. The city hosts all major government buildings, including the Bundestag (German Parliament) housed in the historic Reichstag building. Berlin is also famous for its numerous parks, museums, and unique blend of modern and historical architecture.

Berlin is unique because of its distinct mood, diverse people, and rich history. Unlike other German cities, Berlin is known for its eclectic mix of residents, including artists, young professionals, and extraordinary personalities. The city is also characterized by its numerous green spaces, making it the greenest capital in Europe. Berlin’s history, particularly its role during the Cold War and the presence of the Berlin Wall, adds to its uniqueness. The city is a hub for cultural and historical landmarks, museums, and vibrant nightlife.

Some must-see attractions in Berlin include the Brandenburg Gate, the Reichstag, and the remnants of the Berlin Wall. The Brandenburg Gate is a neoclassical monument and a symbol of unity and peace. The Reichstag, with its iconic glass dome, offers panoramic views of the city and insights into German democracy. The Berlin Wall, once a symbol of division, now stands as a historical monument with sections adorned with murals and graffiti. Additionally, Museum Island, home to world-renowned museums, and the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church are also worth visiting.

Berlin became the capital of Germany in 1990, following the reunification of East and West Germany. Historically, Berlin was the capital of Prussia and later the German Empire. After World War II, the city was divided into East and West Berlin, with Bonn serving as the capital of West Germany and East Berlin as the capital of East Germany. Following reunification, Berlin was restored as the capital of a unified Germany, reaffirming its status as the political and cultural heart of the nation.

The Reichstag building is historically significant as the seat of the German Parliament. It has witnessed key events in German history, including the proclamation of the German Empire in 1871 and the infamous Reichstag fire in 1933. After extensive renovations, the Reichstag now features a modern glass dome, symbolizing transparency in government. Visitors can explore the dome and gain insights into Germany’s democratic processes while enjoying stunning views of Berlin.

Berlin is known as the greenest capital in Europe due to its extensive green spaces, which cover a significant portion of the city. The city boasts over 2,500 parks, forests, and squares, providing ample opportunities for recreation and relaxation. Notable green areas include the Tiergarten, a large urban park in the city center, and the Grunewald Forest on the outskirts. These green spaces contribute to Berlin’s reputation as a city that values environmental sustainability and outdoor activities.

Museum Island is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in the heart of Berlin on the Spree River. It is home to five internationally renowned museums: the Altes Museum, the Neues Museum, the Alte Nationalgalerie, the Bode Museum, and the Pergamon Museum. These museums house extensive collections of art, archaeology, and cultural history, including treasures such as the bust of Nefertiti and the Pergamon Altar. Museum Island is a cultural treasure trove, attracting millions of visitors each year.

The Berlin Wall played a crucial role in the city’s history as a symbol of division during the Cold War. Erected in 1961, the Wall separated East and West Berlin, preventing East Germans from fleeing to the West. It stood for nearly three decades until it fell in 1989, leading to the reunification of Germany. Today, remnants of the Wall serve as historical landmarks and are adorned with murals and graffiti, reminding visitors of Berlin’s turbulent past and its journey towards unity and freedom.

Berlin caters to young people and tourists with its dynamic nightlife, diverse cultural scene, and numerous attractions. The city is famous for its nightclubs, discos, and parties, making it a hotspot for young people. Berlin also offers a rich array of museums, historical sites, and modern attractions. Tourists can explore everything from the Berlin Wall and Brandenburg Gate to trendy neighborhoods like Kreuzberg and Prenzlauer Berg. Additionally, the city’s efficient public transport system makes it easy for visitors to navigate and explore.

Berlin is an attractive destination for investors and businessmen due to its vibrant economy, innovative spirit, and strategic location. The city is a hub for startups and tech companies, fostering a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation. Berlin’s well-developed infrastructure, access to skilled labor, and supportive business environment make it an ideal place for investment. Additionally, the city’s rich cultural scene and high quality of life attract professionals from around the world, contributing to its dynamic and diverse business community.

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