Citizenship Germany

Germany is one of the most influential players in the world, both in the political and economic arena. Thanks to this, citizenship Germany guarantees you and your children stability in all areas of life, a high level of medicine and education, social security, and the opportunity to visit most countries without a visa. German legislation is incredibly thoughtful and guarantees the protection of your rights. Yes, there are legends about the meticulousness and severity of the Germans, but if you are tired of the eternal political merry-go-round in your homeland and are looking for a reliable stronghold where you can finally look into the future with confidence, citizenship in Germany will be an excellent solution.

You should know that obtaining German citizenship is difficult because Germany prefers to fill its ranks with exclusively successful and helpful people, like most developed countries in Europe. Because of this, only foreigners who meet numerous requirements established by law can obtain German citizenship. But, of course, if you have German roots, the process will speed up significantly.

Citizenship Germany

What are the valid reasons for acquiring German citizenship?

Let’s discuss how to get citizenship in Germany:

If you are ethnically German


In this case, obtaining German citizenship will occur according to an accelerated scheme. You, your spouse, and your children will get your passports immediately after moving to Germany (within 10-30 days). You will only need to collect a package of necessary documents.
Do you have Jewish roots?


This category of immigrants is in an advantageous position because Germany has a unique program that is aimed at providing Jews with the opportunity to become full-fledged residents of this state. This is directly related to the consequences of the Jewish genocide and is an act of atonement for the mistakes of its predecessors.


Obtaining German citizenship by birthright


This point is relevant for children whose parents have citizenship or both whose parents have permanent residence. A prerequisite is that the birth takes place in Germany. Being born on the country’s territory does not give the child the right to become a citizen, but this can greatly facilitate this process.

Also, if German parents adopt a child, he can become a full member of society only after three years of permanent residence there.


Business Immigration


If you are considering obtaining German citizenship but do not have sufficient grounds, keep in mind that you can always open a business in one of the German cities. This fact will be a strong argument for issuing you a residence permit and citizenship. The requirements for this category of immigrants were significantly reduced in 2015, so this option may be the most successful.



You should know that if you plan to join German society in this way, you must live for at least 8 years, first with a temporary and then a permanent residence permit, before obtaining naturalization Germany. You will also have to pass particular tests on your knowledge of the language and customs of the Germans.


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What are the requirements for obtaining German citizenship through the accelerated procedure:

  • Knowledge of German at level C1 (above C2).
  • Special merits in integration.
  • If you marry a German citizen, there are no additional conditions.

Applying for citizenship

Those who have lived in Germany for a long time but are not citizens can apply for citizenship. How to apply for German citizenship?

Foreigners under 16 have the right to independently submit such an application. However, younger foreigners must submit their applications to their legal representatives, usually parents.

The city or district office, the county office, or the office for foreigners knows which Office of Citizenship Affairs is responsible.

As a rule, a fee of 255 € is paid per person.

For young children without their source of income, who are admitted to citizenship together with their parents, 51 € are paid.

If minors are admitted to citizenship without their parents, a standard fee of 255 € is paid. It is possible to avoid paying the duty, for example, on grounds of fairness, or you can demand payment of a lesser duty or not pay at all. Applicants with a small source of income or if several children are acquiring citizenship can negotiate with the Citizenship Office to reduce the fee or pay in installments.

If your citizenship request is approved, you must renounce your previous citizenship.


German citizenship offers numerous benefits, including stability in all areas of life, high-quality healthcare and education, social security, and visa-free travel to many countries. Additionally, Germany’s robust legal system ensures the protection of your rights. As a German citizen, you can also participate in the political process, enjoy strong economic opportunities, and benefit from Germany’s comprehensive social welfare programs.

To apply for German citizenship through naturalization, you must have lived in Germany for at least 8 years, holding both temporary and permanent residence permits during this period. You will need to demonstrate proficiency in the German language (usually at B1 level), pass a citizenship test on German laws, society, and culture, and prove that you are financially self-sufficient. Additionally, you must renounce your previous citizenship, with some exceptions allowed.

If you have German ancestry, you can obtain German citizenship through an accelerated process. This applies to individuals with at least one German parent or grandparent. You will need to provide documents proving your German heritage, such as birth certificates, family records, and any other relevant documents. Once verified, you, your spouse, and your children can receive German passports quickly after moving to Germany.

Yes, Germany offers a special program for individuals with Jewish roots, as an act of atonement for the Holocaust. To qualify, you must provide proof of your Jewish ancestry. This program allows you to obtain citizenship relatively quickly, and you may receive additional support during the application process. The benefits extend to your immediate family as well.

German citizenship by birthright applies if one or both parents are German citizens or have permanent residence in Germany. The child must be born in Germany to qualify. If both parents are foreigners but have lived in Germany for at least 8 years and hold permanent residence permits, their child born in Germany can also apply for citizenship. Adoption by German parents grants the child citizenship after three years of residence.

Business immigration is a viable path to German citizenship. You need to establish a business in Germany and demonstrate its economic benefit to the country. This includes creating jobs and contributing to the local economy. Initially, you will receive a residence permit, and after several years of successful business operation and residence in Germany, you can apply for citizenship. The requirements for business immigrants were relaxed in 2015, making this option more accessible.

Marrying a German citizen can expedite your path to citizenship. You need to have lived in Germany for at least three years and been married for two years. You must also meet other standard requirements, such as language proficiency and financial stability. Once these criteria are met, you can apply for citizenship through the local Citizenship Office.

The application fee for German citizenship is typically 255 euros per person. For children without their own income, the fee is 51 euros. If minors apply independently of their parents, the standard fee of 255 euros applies. In cases of financial hardship or multiple children, it may be possible to negotiate a reduced fee or pay in installments.

Children under 16 can apply for German citizenship with the help of their legal guardians, usually their parents. Those over 16 can apply independently. The application process involves submitting necessary documents to the local Citizenship Office. The fees and requirements for minors are similar to those for adults, but adjustments can be made based on the child’s circumstances.

Once your application is approved, you will receive a certificate of naturalization. At this point, you must renounce your previous citizenship, unless you qualify for an exemption. You will then be issued a German passport and identity card, granting you all the rights and privileges of a German citizen. You can participate in elections, access social benefits, and travel freely within the EU and other visa-exempt countries.

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