Accounting for organization in Germany

The classic mistake of an individual entrepreneur is to “get by” from day to day with the money that is in the account. Of course, you have long known that a significant part of the proceeds from sales does not “belong” to you, and that sooner or later you will have to transfer them to the tax office or other institutions. To avoid unpleasant surprises, constantly monitor your income and expenses. The process of documenting, recording and monitoring all business transactions and postings relating to your company’s assets (for example, purchases, sales, rent, payroll, etc.) is referred to by the general term “accounting.

Accounting for organization in Germany

Reporting audit

Large and medium-sized companies are subject to mandatory audit of financial statements.

An external independent auditor must audit the annual accounts.

The auditor’s report is drawn up on the basis of international auditing standards. International Standards on Auditing shall be applied in the manner provided for in Article 26(3) of Directive 2006/43/EC on an International Standard on Auditing adopted by the European Commission. If the auditor has certain objections, then he issues an objective written opinion, otherwise he issues an auditor’s opinion.

Reporting audit

Deadline for preparation and submission of financial statements

The decision to determine the company’s financial year is made at a meeting of shareholders.

A financial year cannot last more than 12 months, with the exception of the first financial year, which may be shorter.

The reporting period for:

small and micro-organizations6 months
large and medium-sized companies3 months

Reports are prepared in German in euro currency and signed at the general meeting. After signing, it is published electronically in the official publication “Bulletin of Federal Legislation (Bundesgesetzblatt)”.

Listed companies and entities that have issued debt securities may publish their accounts within 4 months of the end of the financial year.

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Benefits of company accounting

When starting a new business in Germany, there are so many things to think about. Owners of small newly opened companies are equipped with all the time-consuming tasks associated with starting a business. At this stage, it often happens that one very important aspect, namely the accounting for company, is inadvertently overlooked or underestimated.

At the beginning, most firms’ owners take responsibility for maintaining corporate records. This, however, is not an easy task. Accounting for firms involves a different type of skill that not everyone has.

Benefits of company accounting

For example, developing a new business requires imagination, flexibility, and out-of-the-box thinking. These are great qualities for an entrepreneur, but the moment you are in charge of the accounts, you must comply with all laws, regulations and rules arising from the legislation. This change from one to another type of thinking is associated with excess energy expenditure. In the following lines, we will tell you about the benefits of accounting for organization in Germany.

The benefits of maintaining accurate, accurate, reliable, objective and legal accounting records in Germany for any company are undeniable and can be boiled down to the following, more important:

Efficient resource management

Keeping records allows you to more effectively manage your company’s finances and resources. An accountant monitors cash flow, optimizes expenses and helps make informed investment decisions.

Timely reporting

Regular reporting is an integral part of business activities. The accountant prepares all necessary financial reports on time, which is important for compliance with legal requirements and transparency with stakeholders.

Financial guarantees

Leading companies insure their professional liability. The insurance amounts amount to tens of millions of euros. Insurance is needed in case the client loses his money due to an outsourcer’s mistake in the form of:

  • additional charges,
  • fines,
  • penalties,
  • etc.

This is one of the key advantages of accounting for private business over an in-house accountant.

Tax compliance

An accountant knows the intricacies of taxation and always monitors current changes in legislation. This allows your organization in Germany to comply with tax discipline, avoiding fines and troubles from the tax authorities.

Saving time and resources

Bookkeeping requires time and specific knowledge. Hiring an experienced accountant allows business owners to focus on core tasks and leave financial matters to a professional.

 Risk reduction

Accounting controls help identify potential risks and misunderstandings. This allows you to quickly respond to unforeseen situations and minimize possible losses.


Accounting is crucial for businesses in Germany to ensure proper financial management, compliance with legal regulations, and transparent reporting to stakeholders. It involves documenting, recording, and monitoring all financial transactions, enabling efficient resource management and risk reduction.

Large and medium-sized companies in Germany undergo mandatory audit of financial statements conducted by an external independent auditor. The auditor issues a report based on international auditing standards, highlighting any objections or providing an auditor’s opinion based on the findings.

The company’s financial year, determined at a shareholder meeting, cannot exceed 12 months. Small and micro-organizations have a reporting period of 6 months, while large and medium-sized companies must submit reports within 3 months. Listed companies and those issuing debt securities publish their accounts within 4 months of the financial year-end.

Maintaining accurate accounting records in Germany offers several benefits, including efficient resource management, timely reporting, financial guarantees, tax compliance, saving time and resources, and risk reduction. It enables businesses to manage finances effectively and make informed decisions.

Business owners in Germany may overlook or underestimate accounting due to the focus on starting a new business, which involves numerous tasks. However, accounting requires specific skills and compliance with legal requirements, which can be challenging for entrepreneurs without accounting expertise.

Accounting enables companies in Germany to monitor cash flow, optimize expenses, and make informed investment decisions. By tracking financial data, an accountant helps manage resources efficiently, ensuring financial stability and growth.

Timely reporting is essential for compliance with legal requirements and transparency with stakeholders in Germany. An accountant prepares necessary financial reports promptly, demonstrating the company’s financial health and adherence to regulations.

Accountants in Germany are knowledgeable about taxation laws and monitor legislative changes. They ensure businesses comply with tax regulations, minimizing the risk of fines and penalties from tax authorities, and optimizing tax obligations.

Hiring an experienced accountant for private businesses in Germany saves time, resources, and reduces the risk of errors. Accountants provide expertise in financial matters, allowing business owners to focus on core activities while ensuring compliance with legal and tax requirements.

Accounting controls help identify potential risks and misunderstandings, allowing organizations in Germany to respond quickly to unforeseen situations. By monitoring financial data and compliance, accountants minimize possible losses and ensure business continuity.

Would you talk with someone in our company regarding any issues? Just drop us a line!

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