American companies in Germany

Despite political tensions, American companies continue to do good business in Germany. However, their criticism of the level of digitalization and infrastructure is growing. This slows down investments.

Relations between Germany and the US are strained as US President threatens to punish German cars with punitive tariffs. Meanwhile, the economy has also deteriorated. However, US companies in Germany continue to do good business.

US companies in Germany

Leader of Ford and McDonald’s

  • Carmaker Ford leads the list of best-selling American companies in Germany with 21.1 billion euros, the same as last year, followed by online retailer Amazon (16.9 billion euros) and oil company ExxonMobil Central Europe Holding (9.4 billion euros). billion euros).
  • The larger employer is again the fast-food chain McDonald’s, which employs approximately 60,000 people (additionally including its franchise business). Ford plants are in second place with 24,700 employees, followed by UPS (20,000), Amazon (18,000) and consumer goods makers Procter & Gamble (10,000).
US companies in Germany

Tesla is the main industrial employer in Brandenburg

Here are three of the largest and most sensational multibillion-dollar investment companies in Germany that US corporations announced over the past 12 months – in the year since March 22, 2024. Then, in Grünheide near Berlin, Tesla CEO Elon Musk, together with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, inaugurated the first and so far, only European automobile plant of the corporation he heads. The “Gigafactory,” designed to supply the entire European market with electric vehicles, was built in record time for German conditions.

Today this company is the largest industrial employer in the East German state of Brandenburg. At the end of February, Tesla announced that the Grünheide plant already employs over 10 thousand people out of a planned 12 thousand and produces 4,000 electric vehicles every week – that’s about 200,000 per year. Last summer there were still only 5 thousand employees, and 1,000 cars a week rolled off the assembly line.

In mid-March, the corporation confirmed to dpa that it had asked local authorities for permission to expand the facility. In short, the American plant became one of the powerful engines of industrial development in the state of Brandenburg, which suffered for a long time after the unification of Germany from deindustrialization, since many enterprises from the GDR times could not withstand international competition and went bankrupt.

Tesla is the main industrial employer in Brandenburg

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What should a multinational company candidate be like?

Since the international companies in Germany and have offices in many countries, excellent knowledge of the local market is always an advantage. Therefore, if you are a specialist from another country, during the interview do not be afraid to mention your experience in the so-called “emerging market”.

BUT! You should not focus only on the local market. After all, recruiters are looking for employees who understand the nuances of working with representatives of different cultures. Have you negotiated with colleagues from Central Asian countries, participated in international projects or received a European diploma? Put this on your resume.

If you are an experienced specialist, then be prepared for a possible demotion. Don’t immediately claim high positions, take half a step back – you’ll catch up later!


Prominent American companies in Germany include Ford, Amazon, ExxonMobil, McDonald’s, and Tesla. Ford leads with substantial revenues, followed closely by Amazon and ExxonMobil. These companies have significant operations and employ thousands across various sectors, from automotive and retail to energy and technology.

American companies contribute significantly to Germany’s economy by investing billions of euros annually, providing employment to tens of thousands of people, and boosting industrial and technological advancements. They play crucial roles in sectors such as automotive manufacturing, retail, logistics, and technology, enhancing both economic growth and innovation.

American companies in Germany face challenges such as political tensions impacting trade policies, criticism regarding digitalization and infrastructure, and potential tariff threats on German exports to the US. Despite these challenges, they continue to thrive due to their strong market presence and strategic investments.

Tesla is the largest industrial employer in Brandenburg, Germany. The company’s Gigafactory in Grünheide near Berlin employs over 10,000 people and produces thousands of electric vehicles weekly. Tesla’s investment has significantly boosted industrial development in the region, revitalizing the economy and creating opportunities for local residents.

Multinational companies in Germany seek candidates with a blend of local market knowledge and international experience. Understanding diverse cultures, proficiency in managing international projects, and adaptability to different business environments are highly valued. Candidates with experience in emerging markets and multicultural teams are particularly sought after.

Foreign specialists aiming to work for international companies in Germany should highlight their experience in emerging markets and multicultural environments during interviews. Demonstrating adaptability, cross-cultural communication skills, and a willingness to integrate into German corporate culture enhances their appeal to recruiters.

International companies are attracted to Germany due to its strategic location in Europe, strong economic stability, skilled workforce, advanced infrastructure, and supportive business environment. Access to the EU market, robust industrial base, and government incentives for innovation further make Germany an appealing destination for international investments.

Multinational companies play a pivotal role in Germany’s industrial landscape by driving innovation, creating employment opportunities, and contributing to economic growth. They invest heavily in research and development, enhance manufacturing capabilities, and strengthen Germany’s position as a global leader in various industries.

American investments in Germany stimulate economic development by injecting capital, technology, and expertise into key sectors. They foster innovation, upgrade infrastructure, and create jobs, thereby supporting sustainable economic growth. These investments also facilitate knowledge transfer and enhance competitiveness in the global market.

American companies like Ford, McDonald’s, and Amazon have established themselves as market leaders in Germany, showcasing successful business models and significant contributions to the economy. Tesla’s Gigafactory in Brandenburg is a standout example, transforming regional industrial dynamics and demonstrating substantial growth potential in the electric vehicle sector.

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