Business etiquette Germany

The standard of living in Germany is quite high, and therefore, communication with Germans at any level inspires trustworthiness and calm. This country differs sharply from other EU countries due to its highly developed infrastructure, increased security, and social protection. All of the above applies to doing business in Germany. Mutually beneficial partnerships are traditionally built, taking into account all these etiquette norms.

Business etiquette Germany

How business etiquette works in Germany

Business etiquette norms are one of the most important aspects of German business culture. Representatives of a local society built certain rules of behavior within the framework of business relations.

Politeness in formalities

Respect and politeness norms are valued by all Germans without exception. In business communications, they try to adhere to formalities. Norms of conduct are strictly observed, including a dress code and punctuality. German citizens expect the same from their business partners.

Being late for negotiations is considered disrespectful, and such an attitude can lead to negative consequences. It is better to arrive before the appointed time than to run into certain sanctions later. The dress norms play an important role in this country’s business environment. Relaxed clothing, of course, can be used in certain conditions, but the location of the meeting and the context of the negotiations must be taken into account.

Be polite and respectful in all things, including written communications. Should  you give business gifts?

Mutual respect between corporate partners doing business in Germany is a characteristic feature of Germans. They show exceptional politeness to each other. The written form of interaction plays a significant role in communication, especially in official situations. This allows you to express thoughts accurately and clearly in clear formulations. If you need help opening a business in Germany, we recommend turning to professionals.

The common practice in the country of making business gifts is also active in Germany, where it is necessary to establish certain relationships between partners or strengthen trust. When choosing a suitable gift, you should consider the context in which the meeting is being held and the extent to which the relationship between both parties is established.

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Features of culture and business etiquette of Germany

Suppose you decide to develop your business in Germany or face business negotiations with German business partners. In that case, it is better to prepare for them in advance so as not to regret later about missed business opportunities. A bad word or gesture can sometimes cost you a successful business project. Usually, business people treat some incidents with understanding, but everyone demands respect for their German business culture.

Let’s consider the main character traits of the Germans

Main tips to consider if we talk about etiquette:

1Germans love organization and order. They are pedantic, skeptical, not verbose, serious, reserved.
2The main features of the German people are prudence, frugality, reliability, hard work, and rationalism.
3In Germany people take life very seriously, so they follow all the cultural and workplace norms.
4The Germans are also distinguished by their straightforwardness. If they disagree with something, they will not hesitate to say: “You are wrong!” and will not say: “I am not sure that you are quite right.” You shouldn’t be offended by them for this.
5The Germans do not like to disturb order, and the phrase “ORDNUNG MUSS SEIN” – “ORDER IS ORDER” perfectly characterizes the Germans’ attitude to life and business.


What you should pay attention to first

From practice, some aspects are key when preparing for negotiations or personal meetings with German corporate partners and will help you avoid annoying mistakes.

You need to collect as much etiquette information as possible on the following points:

  • Greetings;
  • Sign language;
  • Language communication;
  • Appearance;
  • Level of formality;
  • Interpersonal relationships;
  • Dining etiquette norms;
  • Workplace norms;
  • Customs;
  • Visual contact;
  • Behavior emotions;
  • Silence and pauses.

The more prepared you are, and the more you know about the specific mentality and etiquette norms of your German business partners, the more successful your negotiations will be.

What you should pay attention to first

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Business correspondence

Few know that business protocol connections with German companies can be established by exchanging letters with cooperation offers. According to etiquette norms, if you send a request by email, it will be answered.

Business meetings and negotiations

In Germany people prefer to start negotiations if they are firmly confident that they will come to some kind of agreement with their partner. Business customs in Germany on meetings and conversations are usually agreed upon in advance. The Germans carefully prepare for negotiations and work out their position, and they demand the same from their foreign partner. They value accuracy and punctuality very much.

It is also worth remembering that this oral promise does not have to be written because it will be fulfilled in any case.

Conducting business protocol negotiations with the Germans in a hurry is a big mistake.

Even the external design of the submitted documents should convince partners of professional features: no copies, handwritten notes, or papers without the company’s logo and address.

The German approach to business negotiations is tough but profound. They must provide specific, detailed, realistic, and not exaggerated or vague information, arguments, and details, including an academic and intellectual approach.

Work separately from private life

The German people prefer to differentiate between these two parallel lines. Business partners are rarely invited to dinner at a restaurant, much less at home. All details of the transaction are discussed during lunch. The inviting party determines the choice of location and the menu. Traditionally, business is not discussed before something is eaten. The person who initiated the meeting begins the speech.

There are certain gradations in paying the bill etiquette, too. The inviting party always pays the bill. Tips are given to waiters and included in the payment amount; no one leaves them on the table.

If, by some chance, the business partner decides to invite the other party to visit, the latter should take with him a small gift, for example, a bottle of good wine. Officially, always, and in everything, In Germany people traditionally keep a distance when communicating on business manners; it is the distance of an outstretched arm. Otherwise, approaching can be regarded as an invasion of personal space.

In general, we can safely say that business etiquette Germany clearly reflects both the German business culture and tradition. Only compliance with all the cultural norms of politeness and punctuality can guarantee successful business. It is worth studying them in advance so as not to get into trouble, and actively working and doing business in the territory of this state.

Work separately from private life

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Business etiquette in Germany emphasizes respect, punctuality, and formalities. Germans value politeness in all interactions, including adherence to dress codes and arriving on time for meetings. It is crucial to maintain professionalism in written communications and consider the appropriateness of business gifts to foster relationships. Understanding and respecting these norms are essential for successful business dealings in Germany, where cultural expectations play a significant role in building trust and rapport.

Punctuality is highly valued in German business culture. Being late for meetings is considered disrespectful and can negatively impact relationships. It is advisable to arrive a few minutes early to demonstrate reliability and respect for your German counterparts’ time. This adherence to punctuality reflects the Germans’ emphasis on organization and orderliness in both business and personal interactions.

Business communication in Germany is characterized by directness and clarity. Germans appreciate clear and precise language in both verbal and written communication. When corresponding via email or letters, professionalism and formal language are expected. Understanding these communication norms helps convey professionalism and competence, which are essential for effective business interactions in Germany.

Preparation for business meetings in Germany should include thorough research and planning. Germans value detailed discussions based on facts and thorough preparation. It is essential to be well-informed about the agenda, anticipate questions, and present information in a structured and logical manner. Demonstrating preparedness and professionalism can enhance credibility and contribute to productive discussions and negotiations.

Dining etiquette in German business culture is formal and follows certain norms. Business discussions are often conducted over lunch, where the host typically determines the venue and menu. It is customary for the inviting party to pay the bill, including tips for waitstaff. Bringing a small gift, such as a bottle of wine, when invited to a business meal is a thoughtful gesture. Observing these dining customs shows respect and consideration for German business partners.

Germans value personal space and maintain a certain distance during business interactions. Approaching too closely can be perceived as intrusive. Keeping a respectful distance, approximately the length of an outstretched arm, is considered appropriate and demonstrates respect for personal boundaries. This cultural norm reflects the Germans’ preference for clear boundaries between personal and professional relationships.

Business gifts are exchanged in Germany to establish or strengthen business relationships. When giving a gift, it is important to choose something appropriate for the context and relationship level. Gifts should be of good quality but not overly extravagant. The gesture of giving a gift demonstrates goodwill and appreciation, contributing to building trust and rapport in German business culture.

Addressing cultural differences when doing business in Germany requires sensitivity and respect for local customs. Understanding the German preference for order, efficiency, and direct communication helps bridge cultural gaps. Adapting to local business norms, such as punctuality and formalities, shows respect for the host culture and enhances mutual understanding and cooperation.

Avoiding common pitfalls in German business culture includes being overly informal, arriving late for meetings, or showing disorganization. Germans appreciate professionalism, precision, and adherence to agreed-upon protocols. It is advisable to refrain from discussing personal matters during business meetings and to maintain a focused and business-oriented approach to interactions.

Understanding German corporate etiquette is crucial for building trust, fostering long-term relationships, and navigating business negotiations successfully. Adhering to cultural norms demonstrates respect and consideration for German counterparts, which can positively influence business outcomes. By integrating into the local business culture, foreign entrepreneurs can enhance their credibility, improve communication effectiveness, and capitalize on business opportunities in Germany.

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