German citizenship by investment

Germany consistently occupies a leading position in the rankings of world states. Migrants are attracted by the high level of economic development, safe living conditions, and excellent business opportunities. Thanks to those who moved and obtained German citizenship, the country’s population is growing steadily, which is unsurprising. Germany provides ample opportunities for the integration of foreigners into German society. In addition, citizenship by investment Germany can be obtained in different ways associated with through naturalization, repatriation, family reunification, through the Blue Card. Let’s examine the main requirements and determine the most optimal way to acquire German citizenship in 2024.

Citizenship by investment in Germany

Investing in the economy or real estate is associated with a popular method of obtaining a passport in some foreign countries. Unfortunately, local legislation does not provide for acquiring German citizenship by investment. Even though it may not be possible to “buy” German citizenship, investment (for example, in commercial real estate) can help you run your business in Germany and pay tax. Costs associated with Germany citizenship by investment is as low as €360,000.

Citizenship by investment in Germany

How long will it take to receive

A temporary residence permit is usually given for two to three years. This category of citizens does not have to be permanently in Germany – it is enough to visit the country at least once a year. A residency permit allows you to leave and re-enter Germany and the Schengen countries without restrictions.

After three years of leading operation of the enterprise, applicants, and members of their families, are entitled to obtain permanent residence. You can generally apply for Germany citizenship by investment program 2024 after 6 years of permanent legal residence. To become a passport holder, you must pass a German language and culture exam. The applicant may include family members in the program.

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Who can apply for German citizenship by investment?

The German legislature has recognized that most foreign start-ups and investments operate successfully and make a significant contribution to the country’s economic success, even if they do not make a large infusion of funds or create a few jobs, to begin with. A residency, and subsequently legal citizenship, can already be issued to the self-employed simply if there is economic interest or regional need.

The law no longer contains a specific minimum amount of investment options and a minimum number of jobs created. In addition, additional simplifications have been introduced for German university graduates who wish to work independently after completing their studies. With the new law, foreign investors and start-up creators can better realize innovative ideas in Germany. The only condition is that the project must be financed through equity or loan approval.

The immigration authorities verify German citizenship requirements 2024 with the involvement of competent authorities, such as the Ministry of Economy, the Department of Economics of the Senate, or the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. To consider the issue, a complete company profile, that is, a structured and detailed description of the business idea (business plan), is required.

The applicant does not need to demonstrate knowledge of the German language or pass language tests. A residence permit in Germany is issued to the entire family. An entrepreneur can obtain German citizenship by investment early – if there are no violations, a passport is issued after six years.

What is Germany golden visa vs. citizenship by investment? Germany does not have a Golden Visa scheme. However, Germany does offer an investment program that can lead to German citizenship by investment

Why is it worth investing in Germany?

Today, according to timeline there are approximately 600,000 small and medium-sized enterprises in Germany. They implement up to 100 types of activities and need to pay tax. A considerable part of them (almost 25%) are focused on the foreign market.

One of implications is the large percentage of the self-employed population. Notaries, auditors, lawyers, pharmacists, and similar representatives of free labor number up to 860 thousand people in their ranks. You can find many success stories to encourage you.

Germany encourages individual entrepreneurship and small businesses. More than half of government investments go specifically to support them. One of the most important incentive requirements for starting a business in this country is the stability of the German economy. As the European Union’s industrial core, it has considerable labor and raw material resources, developed infrastructure, and great scientific potential.

Why is it worth investing in Germany?

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EU Blue Card (Blaue Karte – EU)

The Blue Card is issued based on an employment contract with an employer in Germany. The recipient must have a university degree or similar qualification that will allow him to perform this work. The minimum annual salary of a blue card holder must be 52 thousand euros. Unlike a residence permit obtained based on a regular employment contract (without requirements for qualifications and income level), the procedure for obtaining this document is simpler and faster.

The Blue Card is issued for four years. Suppose the holder of this residence permit has honestly performed his work for 33 months and paid contributions to the compulsory insurance fund. In that case, as implications he receives an indefinite residence permit. For those who confirm their level of German language proficiency at level B1, this period is reduced to 21 months.

Some wealthy people try to obtain this residence permit without planning to work in Germany: they negotiate with the employer or create their own company in the country to conclude an employment contract.

EU Blue Card (Blaue Karte – EU)

Requirements for obtaining an Investor Visa to Germany

To be eligible for a self-employment visa and start a business process in Germany, you need to meet some options and requirements:

  • You are at least 18 years old.
  • Do you have a clear business plan that aligns with your goals?
  • You have sufficient experience in the business you want to start in Germany.
  • You can guarantee that your business will positively impact the German economy and satisfy local or economic interests.
  • To be recognized as a German company, your firm or organization will employ at least five people in Germany.
  • You will raise the funds needed for the company through equity financing or a loan commitment.
  • You have no criminal record.

These timeline requirements are essential. Reas success stories: Germany citizenship by investment and find out more.

Benefits of German citizenship

What does German citizenship give? In addition to the opportunity to live in one of the most attractive European states in all respects and enjoy the full range of rights and benefits, this is:

1one of the benefits is free movement within EU countries
2visiting the USA visa-free
3employment or starting your own business – both in Germany and in all EU countries
4the opportunity to invite family members living abroad
5participation process in the political life of the country

Another plus is the opportunity to have dual citizenship, allowing you to preserve all family and friendly ties. Pay attention to all considerations.

Benefits of German citizenship

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Extension of an investor visa to Germany

If your application is accepted, you will receive a three-year residence permit in Germany due to requirements, which can be extended for a further three years. Your company must be operating and in excellent financial condition if you want to renew your residence permit.

Those who have lived in Germany for eight years can obtain German citizenship through naturalization. Your family, which includes your spouse and children under 18 years of age, can also be included in your initial residence permit application, resulting in German citizenship for all of you.


German citizenship by investment refers to obtaining citizenship through significant financial contributions to the country’s economy. Although Germany does not have a specific program for direct citizenship by investment, it offers pathways through business investments. Investing in commercial real estate or starting a business can lead to residency, which may eventually result in citizenship. This route involves obtaining a temporary residence permit, followed by permanent residency, and finally, applying for citizenship after meeting certain criteria, such as residency duration and language proficiency.

The key requirements for obtaining German citizenship by investment in 2024 include:

  • Establishing a business or investing in an existing one, demonstrating economic interest or regional need.
  • Providing a detailed business plan.
  • Ensuring the business positively impacts the German economy.
  • Being at least 18 years old with relevant business experience.
  • Raising necessary funds through equity or loan approval.
  • Having no criminal record. Additional requirements include maintaining a temporary residence for 2-3 years, obtaining permanent residency after three years, and passing a German language and culture exam for citizenship.

The process to obtain German citizenship by investment typically spans several years. Initially, investors receive a temporary residence permit for 2-3 years. After three years of successfully operating the business, they can apply for permanent residency. Citizenship can generally be applied for after six years of permanent legal residence. This timeline includes meeting residency requirements, passing a language and culture exam, and demonstrating continued compliance with German laws and regulations.

Obtaining German citizenship by investment offers numerous benefits:

  • The right to live, work, and study in Germany and other EU countries.
  • Visa-free travel to many countries, including the USA.
  • The ability to start and operate a business in Germany and across the EU.
  • Access to high-quality healthcare and education systems.
  • The opportunity to invite family members to live in Germany.
  • Participation in the political process, including voting rights. Dual citizenship is also possible, allowing investors to maintain ties with their home country while enjoying the benefits of being an EU citizen.

Germany does not have a Golden Visa scheme like some other European countries. Instead, it offers a residency program that can lead to citizenship through investment in the economy. The primary difference is that while Golden Visas typically provide a direct route to residency through significant financial investments, Germany’s pathway requires establishing or investing in a business that contributes to the economy. This route involves a more extensive process, including obtaining temporary and permanent residency before applying for citizenship.

Investment options for obtaining German citizenship include:

  • Establishing a new business or investing in an existing one.
  • Investing in commercial real estate.
  • Financing the business through equity or loan approval. The key is to demonstrate that the investment will have a positive economic impact and meet local or regional needs. The investment should also align with the applicant’s business experience and goals.

Investing in Germany and obtaining residency has several tax implications. Investors are subject to German tax laws, which include income tax, corporate tax, and value-added tax (VAT). Residency can lead to global income being taxed in Germany. However, Germany has double taxation agreements with many countries to avoid taxing the same income twice. It is essential to consult with a tax advisor to understand the full implications and optimize tax obligations while maintaining compliance with German tax regulations.

Legal considerations for Germany citizenship by investment include:

  • Ensuring the investment complies with German laws and regulations.
  • Meeting all business registration and operation requirements.
  • Understanding the legal implications of residency status and its impact on tax obligations.
  • Preparing for the language and culture exam required for citizenship.
  • Adhering to residency requirements and maintaining a clean legal record. Consulting with legal professionals specializing in German immigration and business law is crucial to navigating the complexities of the process successfully.

Yes, there are numerous success stories of individuals who have successfully obtained German citizenship through investment. Many foreign entrepreneurs and investors have established thriving businesses in Germany, contributing to the economy and integrating into society. These success stories highlight the benefits of Germany’s stable economy, excellent infrastructure, and supportive business environment. They also demonstrate the opportunities for growth and innovation available to those willing to invest in Germany’s future.

The process and timeline for obtaining German citizenship by investment are as follows:

  • Temporary Residence Permit: Granted for 2-3 years based on the investment.
  • Permanent Residency: Eligible after three years of successful business operation.
  • Citizenship Application: Can be submitted after six years of permanent legal residence.
  • Language and Culture Exam: Required to demonstrate integration into German society. Throughout this period, investors must comply with all legal requirements, maintain their business operations, and ensure a positive impact on the economy. The overall timeline can vary depending on individual circumstances and adherence to the regulations.

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