German company top business price


The maximum time required to register a new legal entity in Germany usually takes up to 3 months. In this case, you must meet with a notary and visit several government agencies. But if you need to carry out the legal registration procedure in a short time, you can buy a company in Germany and reduce the time.

For investments to be profitable in the future, you cannot buy a company without first checking it out. A correctly chosen business already has a reputation among potential partners and buyers.

German company top business price

Why is it profitable to buy a company in Germany?

Businessmen are attracted to doing business in Germany, where they can reduce the tax burden as much as possible. In addition, when a company with the form of business activity GmbH is acquired, the new owner does not need to contribute the authorized capital and pay mandatory government payments for newly registered legal entities.

Buying a german company small business price is also profitable for other reasons:

  • Production of goods or provision of any services under a well-known brand from Germany. Potential clients trust local companies, especially when it is an existing enterprise with a history.
  • The company will be considered as a reliable business partner.
  • Possibility of exporting goods to the territory of many countries without VAT. Also, local companies can obtain insurance at preferential rates and receive subsidies from the state.
  • Opening accounts in a reliable bank. You can buy a ready-made company in Germany with a bank account and receive a credit card and checkbook.
  • There is no need to pay duties if there are company branches in many countries.
  • The possibility of registering company branches in countries belonging to the European Union is a prospect for further development.
Why is it profitable to buy a company in Germany

Why buying a ready-made company in Germany is more economical than registering a new one

The acquisition of an existing enterprise in Germany provides significant time savings – approximately 3 weeks to 1.5 months, not counting issues related to finding premises, organizing activities, etc. questions. This is the time needed for:

  • issuance of a registration number – it will take from 2 to 5 weeks;
  • account opening – up to 4 weeks;
  • depositing the organization’s capital into the account – from 1 day.

Local financial institutions carefully check organizations owned by non-resident citizens, so the period for opening bank accounts is long. An additional request for other documents is possible. For an institution to approve an appeal, it is first necessary to prove the transparency of receipt of funds for capital. Buying a company frees you from this process. The new owner receives a ready-made business and authorized capital already in a German financial institution account.

After purchasing a company, the new owner can change:

  • the official address of the company;
  • brand name;
  • form of entrepreneurship.

Would you talk with someone in our company regarding any issues? Just drop us a line!

What information is required from the buyer before purchasing a ready-made company in Germany

The list of documents may vary depending on the status of the buyer. Standard minimum list:

  • Information about future managers/leaders.
  • Documents confirming the identity of the owners.
  • Information about the buyer as a legal entity – description of activities, legal address.
  • Power of attorney – if the owner or his other representatives cannot be present at the transaction registration with a notary.
Why is it profitable to buy a company in Germany

How ready-made companies are re-registered in Germany

When purchasing an existing organization, the future owner is freed from the need to register an account and carry out initial registration; therefore, by agreement, the transaction can be completed within 1 day. The sale of ready-made companies in Germany is carried out taking into account the following procedure:

  • The payment method for the business is selected – through the company involved in processing the transaction or through a notary.
  • Re-registration is carried out – a meeting is scheduled with a notary, who registers the company to the new owner and issues the corresponding document.
  • Then, you need to go through the standard steps:
  • Registration of a business permit from the Gewerbeerlaubnis (Fire Department).
  • Registration of a Steuernummer number, if necessary, since most companies already have one.
How ready-made companies are re-registered in Germany

Would you talk with someone in our company regarding any issues? Just drop us a line!

What you need to know before buying a ready-made company in Germany

Profitability and profitability of the firm. A competent financial assessment of business activities will allow you to point out the organization’s shortcomings and advantages. This point also includes studying the company’s credit history.

ReputationA positive reputation is a guarantee of a promising business.
Reason for saleBefore you buy a ready-made company in Germany, you need to find out the real reason for its sale.


Registering a new legal entity in Germany typically takes up to 3 months, involving meetings with a notary and visits to government agencies. However, this process can be expedited by purchasing an existing company, reducing the registration time significantly.

Buying a company in Germany offers several advantages, including reduced tax burden, exemption from contributing authorized capital, and avoidance of mandatory government payments for newly registered entities. Additionally, acquiring an established business provides access to a trusted brand, potential clients, export opportunities, preferential insurance rates, and state subsidies.

Purchasing an existing company in Germany saves significant time, typically 3 weeks to 1.5 months, excluding the time needed for other organizational tasks. It eliminates the need for processes like obtaining a registration number, opening a bank account, and depositing capital, thereby streamlining the business setup process.

The buyer needs to provide documents such as information about future managers, proof of identity, details about the buyer as a legal entity (including activities and address), and a power of attorney if the buyer or their representatives cannot attend the transaction registration with a notary

After purchasing an existing company in Germany, re-registration involves selecting the payment method, scheduling a meeting with a notary for registration, and completing standard steps such as obtaining a business permit from the Fire Department and registering for a tax number if necessary.

Before buying a ready-made company in Germany, buyers should assess factors such as the firm’s profitability, reputation, and the reason for sale. Conducting a financial assessment and understanding the company’s credit history can help identify strengths and weaknesses.

Yes, after purchasing a company in Germany, the new owner can make changes such as altering the official address, rebranding, or changing the form of entrepreneurship to suit their business goals and preferences.

Purchasing a company with a positive reputation in Germany provides assurance of a promising business venture. An established reputation can attract customers, partners, and investors, facilitating business growth and success.

After purchasing a ready-made company in Germany, buyers may need to complete additional steps such as obtaining necessary permits or registrations from authorities like the Fire Department and tax authorities, depending on the specific requirements of the business.

To ensure a smooth transaction when purchasing a company in Germany, buyers should seek professional assistance from legal and financial experts familiar with local regulations. Thorough due diligence, clear communication, and proper documentation can help avoid complications and ensure a successful acquisition process.

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