Register a company in Germany online

Germany is an attractive destination for entrepreneurs and investors looking to do business in Europe. Thanks to its strong economy, strategic location, and favorable business environment, Germany offers many opportunities for local and international companies. However, before entering the German market, it is necessary to understand how to register company in Germany online. This guide will look at the steps and requirements for company registration in Germany.

Register a company in Germany online

What can an individual entrepreneur do in Germany?

The easiest way to do business in Germany is to open an individual enterprise (DAS Einzelunernehmen). Such business specialists are called Freiberufler. The list of such “independent professions” includes:

  • doctors;
  • lawyers;
  • notaries;
  • photographers;
  • designers;
  • journalists;
  • writers;
  • translators.

This form of business and such entrepreneurs are exempt from business taxes.

You can also freelance, sell services, and do private trade – selling your confectionery or other products. You need to obtain a trade permit for this type of business activity.

After obtaining a visa, the next step is to create a company and choose its legal structure. All enterprises in Germany are divided into small, medium, and large. Approximately 99% are small and medium-sized, so-called “Mittelstand.” The difference between them lies, for example, in the number of employees, profit, and accounting requirements, but these are not all the differences.

There are many legal forms of business; decide for yourself or with consultants. Each state has consultation centers in Germany, but an initial consultation with specialists in your country will not be excessive.

Regardless of which form of ownership you choose; you must Deutschland company register with a trade representative office. Then, depending on your activity type and legal entity, you may also need to register in the commercial register.

There are also the following forms of entrepreneurial activity:

  • An LLC in Germany is a GmbH with a minimum capital of 25,000 euros. The founder is responsible to the state only for the company’s assets.
  • mini-GmbH – founding capital can be from 1 euro. Every year, 25% of net profit should be transferred to the company’s reserve fund.
  • joint stock company AG or gGmbH – the authorized capital must be 50,000 euros. The company structure includes a director and a board of directors.
What can an individual entrepreneur do in Germany

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Which business is better to open in Germany?

Since finding a job in a specialty for refugees in Germany is difficult, one option is to open your own business.

Among the areas of activity where it is better for refugees to engage in private entrepreneurship:

2translation services;
3hospital rooms, dental services;
4fast food;
5opening of a hostel;
6real estate agency.

It is noted that in Germany, citizens of other countries have certain privileges when starting a business. The government does not regulate the minimum amount of authorized capital. The government permits the conducting of a business if the business is of interest or importance to the area.

Step-by-step guide to registering a company in Germany

If you decide to open a company in Germany, then you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Selecting a Suitable Legal Form: Selecting a suitable legal structure is essential for your business goals and requirements. Each structure has advantages and disadvantages regarding liability, taxation, and management responsibilities. You should consult with an attorney to determine the most appropriate option for your business.
  • Registering with your local trade authority: Registering your business with your local trade authority (Gewerbeamt) is a mandatory step in the company registration process online. You must complete the appropriate forms, provide the required documents, and pay the required fees. The trade registration certificate (Gewerbeanmeldung) obtained as a result of this step is important for your activities.
  • Business Register and Legal Obligations: If you plan to set up a company larger than a sole proprietorship, you must register with the Business Register (Handelsregister). This step includes providing the necessary documents, such as articles of association, and paying a registration fee. In addition, companies in Germany have specific legal obligations, such as maintaining correct records and complying with tax laws.
  • Tax Registration and Compliance: Registering your business for tax purposes is necessary for company registration. You must obtain a tax identification number (Steuernummer) from the tax office (Finanzamt). In addition, it is necessary to understand the German tax system, which includes corporate income tax, value-added tax (VAT), and payroll taxes. This is important for the continued operation of the business.
Step-by-step guide to registering a company in Germany

Additional Considerations

Depending on your business type and specific circumstances, additional requirements or considerations may exist during the company registration process. For example, they may need licenses or permits for certain industries, comply with industry regulations, or apply for trademarks or patents.

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Costs and timing

The costs associated with registering a company in Germany may vary depending on factors such as the legal structure, the use of legal services, and additional requirements. It is important to budget for expenses such as notary fees, registration fees, legal advice, and other related expenses. Registration deadlines may also vary, but it is advisable to allow sufficient time for documentation, administrative processes, and possible delays.


The main types of business structures in Germany include individual enterprises, limited liability companies (GmbH), joint-stock companies (AG), and partnerships. Each structure has its advantages and legal implications.

To register an individual enterprise (Einzelunternehmen) in Germany, also known as freelancing (Freiberufler), one needs to obtain a trade permit for specific business activities. Freelancers are exempt from business taxes and can engage in various professions such as doctors, lawyers, photographers, and translators.

The process involves several steps:

  1. Choose a Suitable Legal Form: Decide on the appropriate legal structure for your business, considering factors like liability, taxation, and management responsibilities.
  2. Register with the Local Trade Authority: Complete forms and provide documents to your local trade authority (Gewerbeamt), obtaining a trade registration certificate (Gewerbeanmeldung).
  3. Business Register and Legal Obligations: Larger companies must register with the Business Register (Handelsregister), submit necessary documents, and pay fees. Companies must also fulfill legal obligations like maintaining records and complying with tax laws.
  4. Tax Registration and Compliance: Obtain a tax identification number (Steuernummer) from the tax office (Finanzamt) and understand and comply with the German tax system.

Costs vary depending on factors such as legal structure and legal services used. Budget for expenses like notary fees, registration fees, and legal advice. Registration deadlines vary, so allow sufficient time for documentation and administrative processes.

Yes, foreigners can register a company in Germany online. However, they may need to fulfill additional requirements such as obtaining a visa and adhering to specific legal procedures.

Refugees in Germany can consider starting businesses in areas such as barbershops, translation services, hospitality, and real estate agencies. The German government supports entrepreneurship, and there are no minimum capital requirements for starting a business.

Yes, each state in Germany has consultation centers, and consulting with legal experts in your country or in Germany can help navigate the registration process efficiently.

Companies in Germany must comply with legal obligations such as maintaining accurate records, adhering to tax laws, and fulfilling industry-specific regulations.

Ensure a smooth registration process by meticulously following the steps, seeking professional assistance, and familiarizing yourself with specific regulations for your type of business.

Depending on your business type and circumstances, additional considerations may include obtaining licenses or permits, complying with industry regulations, and protecting intellectual property rights through patents or trademarks.

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