How to start a company in Germany

Today, Germany is considered one of those countries where very favorable and relatively loyal conditions have been created for those wishing to open their own business. However, this does not mean you can start a business here without any preparation. To start a business in Germany, you must familiarize yourself with the procedure, the list of required documents, all sorts of pitfalls, and more. For example, it is extremely important to choose the optimal form of doing business in advance, so as not to face exorbitant taxes later. Is it worth opening a business in Germany? What are the pros and cons of doing business in the country? Read about all this further.

How to start a company in Germany

How to open a business in Germany: basic steps

If you want to start a business in Germany, but are a resident of a non-EU country, you will first need to obtain a special visa. This is not easy to do, so most foreign entrepreneurs first apply for any of the more accessible options, for example, a D visa. It allows you to stay in the country for up to 90 days over six months. Having received such a visa, you can soon convert it to a business option. However, it is important to consider that for this, you must provide reasons, namely:

  • The goods or services you plan to sell must be useful to German residents. This can be a popular niche in the country or a new but promising direction.
  • Your business must create new jobs, including for the local population.
  • You must provide information about sufficient finances to develop and operate your business. At the same time, it’s worth discovering how a non-resident of Germany can open an account in a local bank.

All this must be thought out and documented before submitting your visa request. If the information provided is convincing, you will be issued a business visa. Do not forget that at this stage, you will also need to present a package of documents – a biometric passport, a biography, and a ready-made business plan for the future company.

How to open a business in Germany basic steps

When the visa is received, you can move on to the next stage – choosing a business activity. In this matter, business in Germany is quite similar to other countries. Here, too, one of the most popular options for beginning businessmen is an analog of an LLC (limited liability company) called a GmbH. This form of ownership provides favorable conditions for entrepreneurs:

1at least one shareholder is sufficient;
2mandatory – having an internal German legal address;
3authorized capital – 25 thousand euros (half must be in an account in one of the German banks).

Another option to start a business in Germany with a limited amount of finance is to choose the Mini-GmbH form of ownership. The conditions for registering a business will be very similar in this case. The only difference is that the entrepreneur will not need to confirm the presence of an authorized capital of 25 thousand euros. If he does not have that kind of money, he can still open his own business, but a quarter of the profit will need to be set aside until the amount is accumulated.

The options described above are suitable if a person wants to start a business in Germany. Some have already implemented their business idea in their home country but want to expand the scale and open additional companies in other countries. For such cases, a form of doing business called a “branch” is suitable. It can be either dependent or autonomous. In the first case, the new company will be completely subordinate to the main one – making business decisions, purchasing, selling goods, etc. Often, the creation of a dependent branch is required to find new partners and an additional market.

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As for the autonomous branch, it is only formally subordinate to the parent company. At the same time, all business processes are conducted completely independently. This option is suitable if it is planned to conduct a completely new activity within the branch being created. Regardless of which form of doing business in Germany has been chosen, it will take time to complete all the documents. The most important points are to prepare the company’s charter in advance, information about the budget and its sources, a detailed business plan, etc. Another advantage is that those who want to setting up a company in Germany can always contact special consulting centers. There are lawyers, notaries, and other specialists who are ready not only to provide comprehensive information on this topic but also to help prepare documents.

How to open a business in Germany

What are the business taxes in Germany?

If you want to business to start in Germany, it is better to find out in advance about all the peculiarities of local taxation. For example, you need to understand that the standard corporate tax in this country differs from that provided in the countries of the post-Soviet space—here, it is 30%. But there are other features.

Business taxes in Germany depend on the ownership of the entrepreneur. As mentioned above, the best option is often a GmbH. But if you want to avoid harsh taxes in the first period of developing your business, you can try to run it in the format of freelancing or self-employment.

The main recommendation for avoiding excessive business taxes in Germany is to consult with lawyers in advance. First, you can do this in your own country. However, you should still rely on data provided by specialists in the region of Germany where you plan to open your business.

Is it profitable to buy a business in Germany?

An alternative option would be to purchase an existing business in Germany. In this case, completing all the necessary documents will be much simpler. However, certain disadvantages are still present. For example, you need to familiarize yourself in advance with all the intricacies of running your chosen business, since you will need to follow the previously stated business plan strictly. It is important to study the technologies, approaches, and instructions used. Otherwise, you may face the risk of closing your business or company.

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Freelancing in Germany

The issue of work for freelancers and self-employed people in Germany deserves special attention. It is worth immediately paying attention to the fact that these two categories are different in this country. A freelancer is a person who provides services solely through their experience – for example, a tutor or psychologist. But we are talking about self-employment if you need to attract a third-party resource. An example is a seller of children’s clothing – he must first purchase goods, place them on a specific website or social network, and then make sales through mail or delivery services.

Depending on which category a person belongs to—freelancers or self-employed—the algorithm for submitting documents and the subsequent procedure for their registration depends. The tax service makes the decision after assessing a particular person’s work specifics and volume.

Which business is better to open in Germany?

Since finding a job in a specialty for refugees in Germany is complex, one option is to open your own business.

  • Among the areas of activity where it is better for refugees to engage in private entrepreneurship:
  • beauty salons, hairdressers and barber shops;
  • fast food;
  • translation services;
  • hospital rooms, dental services;
  • Notary Services;
  • opening of a hostel;
  • real estate agency.

It is noted that in Germany, citizens of other countries have certain privileges when starting a business. The government does not regulate the minimum amount of authorized capital. The government permits the conducting of a business if the business is of interest or importance to the area.

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Tips for people who are hesitant to open their own business in Germany

The first and main advice is to learn the language. This is the key to success. At one time, when I moved to Germany, my first serious losses were due to a lack of knowledge of the language. The next tip is to not forget about business insurance. Next, you need to study the German system, how it works, the bureaucratic aspects, how to pay taxes, and what amount.


To start a business in Germany, begin by obtaining the necessary visa if you’re a resident of a non-EU country. Then, choose a business activity and decide on the legal form, such as GmbH or Mini-GmbH. Prepare the required documents, including a biometric passport and a business plan, before applying for a business visa.

Popular legal forms for starting a business in Germany include GmbH (limited liability company) and Mini-GmbH. GmbH requires a minimum authorized capital of 25,000 EUR, while Mini-GmbH offers a lower capital requirement, making it suitable for entrepreneurs with limited finances.

Yes, non-residents can open a company in Germany. However, they may need to obtain a special visa, such as a business visa, and provide reasons such as offering useful products or services, creating local jobs, and demonstrating sufficient finances to operate the business.

Business taxes in Germany include corporate tax, which is 30%, and VAT at 19%. Entrepreneurs may opt for legal forms like GmbH to optimize tax obligations. Consulting with legal experts in advance is recommended to understand the tax implications based on the business structure.

Buying an existing business in Germany can simplify the documentation process, but it’s essential to thoroughly understand the business’s operations and follow the existing business plan. Failure to do so may lead to the risk of business closure or other challenges.

Freelancers provide services solely based on their expertise, while self-employed individuals may need to engage third-party resources, such as purchasing goods for resale. The documentation and registration process depends on the individual’s work specifics and volume, assessed by the tax service.

Refugees in Germany can explore opportunities in various sectors, including beauty salons, fast food, translation services, healthcare, real estate agencies, and more. The government offers certain privileges for foreign entrepreneurs, and there’s no regulation on minimum authorized capital for starting a business.

Learning the language is crucial for success in Germany. Additionally, obtaining business insurance, understanding the German bureaucratic system, tax procedures, and market dynamics are essential. Consulting with specialists and learning from past experiences can also be valuable.

Germany’s central location, access to EU markets, robust infrastructure, and skilled workforce make it attractive for foreign investment. Sectors like research and development offer promising opportunities, contributing to Germany’s appeal as a business destination.

Registering a company in Germany can be complex, so seeking assistance from specialized specialists, such as lawyers and consultants, is recommended. They can provide comprehensive information, help prepare documents, and guide through the registration process effectively.

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