Trademark organization for the company in Germany

A trademark is a symbol or a combination of both that allows you to identify products of a particular brand. Some entrepreneurs prefer to work under unofficial trademarks, but most of them face certain problems:

Financial losses. If a trademark is not registered, the law does not prohibit third parties from using it. In other words, anyone can produce products under the same name or with the same logo as you, successfully sell their products, and earn income from it – because consumers will be sure that they purchased the product from a familiar manufacturer.

Deterioration of brand reputation. The situation is often aggravated if the product produced by unscrupulous competitors is of dubious quality. Trust in the brand will be lost, sales levels will decrease, and proving the fact of counterfeiting can be very difficult and costly.

Deprivation of the right to a TM. Even if you independently developed a TM and have been using it for over a year, you may lose the right to use it legally without legal registration. This situation is likely if your competitor registers it first. As a result, you will have to start from scratch – create a new brand, develop a strategy for its promotion, change product packaging, and even register a domain name. All this is a huge expense, which will be many times higher than the cost of TM registration services.

Litigation. In addition to the fact that there is a risk of deprivation of the right to a trademark, the competitor who registered it first may sue you for unlawful use of the trademark. Sometimes, court hearings in such cases last for many months and cost tens of thousands of euros. And if you also lose the case, your costs will increase significantly.

Due to the unfavorable prospects of working under an unofficial trademark, it is still recommended that you register for it.

Trademark organization for the company in Germany

Trademark registration in Germany – advantages

This step will bring undeniable benefits to your business:

Undivided ownership of the trademark. Registering a trademark can legally prohibit third parties from using it in your organization. If the fact of illegal use is nevertheless discovered, and the conflict cannot be resolved peacefully, you can easily win the case in court.

Opportunity to invest in brand development. Investing money in promoting a trademark that competitors may take possession of today or tomorrow is not advisable. It’s an entirely different matter to develop a registered brand. If the trademark officially belongs to you, feel free to plan strategically, invest in advertising, expand your presence on the Internet, etc.

Gaining consumer trust. Buyers subconsciously associate products sold under a registered trademark with the high quality and authenticity of the product. In Germany, next to the name of a registered trademark, you can put a ® sign, which will tell customers that the product is produced under an official brand.

Increasing business value. Any experienced entrepreneur knows that in business, you need to think ahead. Therefore, this may happen even if you are not currently considering selling your company. Remember: a registered trademark is a valuable intellectual asset that will be a huge advantage in the eyes of your potential buyers and increase the company’s value.

Trademark registration in Germany - advantages

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Who is available to register a trademark in Germany?

German legislation does not limit the list of persons who can register a trademark organization for company in Germany. This can be individuals and enterprises of any organizational and legal form:

  • private and business limited companies;
  • limited liability partnerships;
  • civil partnerships;
  • general commercial partnerships, etc.

Also, in this country, there are no restrictions on trademark registration depending on the applicant’s residence. The only condition for foreign citizens is that the application must be submitted through an accredited patent attorney or lawyer.

Types of trademarks in Germany

In addition to trademarks that protect goods and services, it provides for the presence of two more types of TM:

  • Collective trademarks. What distinguishes such trademarks from ordinary trademarks is that they are owned by more than one individual or legal entity. Its owners may be associations of manufacturers, service providers, or traders, who have the right to enter into contracts or perform other legal acts on their behalf and sue and be sued in court.
  • Warranty or certification trademarks. The owner of such a trademark guarantees the presence of one or more of the following characteristics of the product or service:
  1. material;
  2. method of manufacturing a product or providing a service;
  3. quality, accuracy, or other properties other than geographical origin.

The right to own a registered warranty trademark may belong to any individual or legal entity. However, if the owner of a certification trademark ceases to comply with the requirements or the trademark is used unlawfully – for example, misleading the public – it may be declared invalid.

Types of trademarks in Germany

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What can be registered as a TM in Germany?

In addition to the types of trademarks, the Trademark Protection Act in Germany clearly defines the objects that can be registered as TM. These include:

  • personal names;
  • Images;
  • letters;
  • numbers;
  • sounds;
  • three-dimensional drawings, including the shape of the product or its packaging;
  • colors and color combinations.

In a word, any object that allows one to identify a product or service and distinguish it from the goods or services of another company can be registered as a trademark.

Procedure for registering a TM in Germany

It includes four stages:
Submitting an applicationThe application and documents must be submitted to the DPMA, the German trademark and patent office. In this case, you must be represented by a local lawyer or a patent attorney by proxy. It must be completed according to a template specially approved in Germany.


Examination of the applicationThis is carried out after applying. The examination reveals the existence of grounds for refusal. The trademark itself will also be checked for similarities with already registered objects.


Trademark registrationIf there are no complaints, the TM will be entered into the German national register, DPMAregister. However, please note that entry into the register is impossible until a publication appears in a trademark journal. The magazine is Markenblatt, which is published weekly on Fridays. Once the trademark is entered into the register, the applicant will be issued a registration certificate.


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Registering a trademark for your business in Germany is crucial to protect your brand from unauthorised use, which can lead to financial losses, damage to brand reputation, and potential legal disputes. A registered trademark ensures exclusive ownership, allowing you to legally prevent others from using your brand’s name or logo. It also enhances consumer trust, increases business value, and provides a solid foundation for investing in brand development and marketing. Without registration, you risk losing your rights to the trademark and facing costly litigation if someone else registers it first.

egistering a trademark in Germany offers several advantages:

  • Exclusive Rights: You gain exclusive rights to use the trademark, preventing others from using it.
  • Legal Protection: It simplifies resolving disputes over trademark infringement, allowing for easier legal enforcement.
  • Brand Development: It allows you to invest confidently in marketing and expanding your brand.
  • Consumer Trust: Registered trademarks are seen as symbols of quality and authenticity, enhancing consumer trust.
  • Increased Business Value: A registered trademark is a valuable intellectual asset, boosting your company’s overall value and appeal to potential buyers.

In Germany, anyone can register a trademark, including individuals and enterprises of any legal form, such as private and business limited companies, limited liability partnerships, civil partnerships, and general commercial partnerships. There are no restrictions based on the applicant’s residence. However, foreign applicants must submit their applications through an accredited patent attorney or lawyer in Germany. This inclusivity ensures that both local and international businesses can protect their brands in the German market.

Germany allows the registration of various types of trademarks, including:

  • Standard Trademarks: Protect goods and services.
  • Collective Trademarks: Owned by multiple individuals or entities, often used by associations of manufacturers, service providers, or traders.
  • Warranty or Certification Trademarks: Guarantee specific characteristics of a product or service, such as material, method of manufacturing, quality, or accuracy. These trademarks are subject to strict compliance standards to maintain validity.

The German Trademark Protection Act allows for the registration of a wide range of objects, including personal names, images, letters, numbers, sounds, three-dimensional drawings (such as product shapes or packaging), colours, and colour combinations. Essentially, any distinctive sign that can identify a product or service and differentiate it from others can be registered as a trademark. This broad scope ensures comprehensive brand protection.

Registering a trademark in Germany involves four main stages:

  1. Submitting an Application: Submit the application and required documents to the German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA) through a local lawyer or patent attorney.
  2. Examination of the Application: The DPMA examines the application for grounds of refusal and checks for similarities with existing trademarks.
  3. Publication: If the application is approved, the trademark is published in the Markenblatt, a trademark journal.
  4. Trademark Registration: Once published, the trademark is entered into the DPMAregister, and the applicant receives a registration certificate.

Operating without a registered trademark can lead to significant problems:

  • Financial Losses: Others can use your brand’s name or logo, capitalising on your market presence.
  • Brand Reputation Damage: Poor-quality products from unauthorised users can tarnish your brand’s reputation.
  • Loss of Rights: Competitors can register your trademark, forcing you to rebrand.
  • Litigation Risks: You may face costly and lengthy legal battles if a competitor sues you for trademark infringement.

Yes, foreign entrepreneurs can register a trademark in Germany. The only requirement is that the application must be submitted through an accredited patent attorney or lawyer in Germany. This process ensures that foreign businesses have equal opportunities to protect their brands in the German market, fostering international trade and investment.

Registering a trademark enhances consumer trust by signalling that your products or services are produced under an official brand, associated with quality and authenticity. In Germany, registered trademarks can display the ® symbol, reinforcing to customers that the brand is legitimate and trustworthy. This recognition helps build a loyal customer base, as consumers prefer brands they can rely on.

A registered trademark is a significant intellectual asset that adds value to your business. It provides legal protection, allowing for secure brand development and marketing investment. In the event of a business sale, a registered trademark can significantly enhance the company’s appeal to potential buyers, as it represents established brand identity and market presence. This added value can lead to higher sale prices and better negotiation leverage.

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